anime & games,

Sims 4 and bye bye vacation and summer holidays :(

September 12, 2014 Arikita 8 Comments

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Hello! Did you missed me! I hope so! I came back from my vacation last Thursday and school started again. This year the weather was not very nice and hot in here, we are still in summer, because Autumn is only in October as you know, and it's raining all the time!  Last year things were so different! I like rain I confess, makes me feel relaxed, hot weather makes me mad haha, I am strange I know, but there's more people with the same opinion as me, I am sure about it! BUT this rain just messed up my vacations...

So... I didn't even went to the beach while on my vacation cause I got very sick, and was always raining and making thunderstorms! At least I relaxed a bit and that was the good thing, I didn't took a lot of pictures, just a couple and they are nothing special (but I can post them, one of these days if you are still curious) cause it was always dark and I didn't feel very inspired to it.

I got my SIMS 4 game and YEAH! I got it right after the release, if you are curious about this game, I can tell you what I think about it, I have been playing it for a while and I love it, but there is lack of contents, that I am sure we won't complain after the expansions and/or DLC's start to coming out, but of course for that we have to buy, but that is our decision to spend or not to spend money on the rest of the games! I have been a The Sims game fan since the first Sims, and I never regret getting them, and I neither regret getting this one, it's super nice, very fast, ok... bla bla bla iejggflde LOVE IT ok? just that haha, but I have been seeing people complaining a lot about this game lately and they are trying to refund and everything, I think this is cause Sims 3 had TONS of contents, and things you could do, like YOU COULD DO EVERYTHING! And noooow, you don't even have a car, like, why? this is a simulation game, and we people have cars, why Sims don't have cars now? this is completely true and I ask it myself... but it doesn't bother me a lot, cause I am sure they will add it to the game later... and oh gosh WHY there is NO Pools? And why baby's just grow directly to child? Like these are the strange things I complain about, but I have hope that they will make this game better than the other sims, if they don't, oh well, I am back Sims 3! 

What about you? Have you bought sims 4? What's your opinion about this new game?
Tell me everything!

Love you, see you all in the next post, bye bye!

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  1. I really want to try The Sims 4, I had no idea we couldn't have cars now lol! Ahah, I hope I try it soon :)

    TheFancyCats BLOG| FB PAGE

  2. I wanted to try it ever since the first trailer, but then i heard about how they pretty much took out everything fun from the previous versions :/ not sure why. I think i'll give it a try when all the new features come out.


  3. How cool! I would really like to try this game, I have never played it but it looks and sounds very fun! :D

  4. Hello, I loved your post today, it's fabulous, I was very interested


  5. I bought the Sims 4 on the day of release too, and I don't regret it one bit! Cannot wait for the expansion packs to start coming!


  6. Nunca vi nem joguei os Sims


  7. nunca joguei sims , awkward não? ahah mas ja ten tei!
    facebook page


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