
Wreck this Journal

September 19, 2014 Arikita 6 Comments

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HELLO! BIG NEWS on Fashion Gets Fierce Blog! Oh yeaaaaaah, I just got my Wreck this Journal, and that meaaaaans, that I will be publishing all the pages I do! For the ones who don't know what this journal is about, I can resume it very fast, You have to destroy to create, You wreck this journal but at the same time you create amazing things! Some people chose to not wreck it very much, they prefer to make pretty things in every page ( I am a bit like those persons haha) ! Bellow you can see some videos on youtube from famous people wrecking this journal in all the ways possible! 
Every journal depends of the imagination of every individual person, so there is no better or worse ones, every journal is special in it's own way! 
I hope you have fun watching these videos cause I had,  and I already have done some pages, but just cause I want to be bad and make you feel very curious about my journal I will make you wait a little bit hihihi, evil me! 
I hope you liked, and stay tuned cause I will be publishing my pages very soon! 

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  1. este livro deve ser uma verdadeira terapia eheh :p xx
    facebook page

  2. I'm always meaning to get one of these. :)

  3. Love it!

  4. OMG!!!!!! I got one of these books and I love it so much, I even made some for a few of my friends.
    They Love them as well.
    I am thinking of adding them to my shop.


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